Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Hello Kingston

Well I have been away for awhile that is Twittering and Face Booking but always keeping my eye on the prize that is. We have many wonderful events coming up in our community to say the least. I attended a fundraiser last evening a Fred's Place for Senator John Bonacic. I must say the evening was an affair to remember and many dignitaries were out on the town to celebrate this occasion. Then I dashed over to the Kingston City School District Candidates Night at the Miller Middle School. Many of the questions asked by the audience were well directed and answered by the four candidates running for positions on the Kingston City School Board. I urge everyone to exercise their right to vote and come out next Tuesday May 19, 2009 and vote. Also as a Republican Committee Member in the City of Kingston and the former Republican Chairman I urge everyone to recognize the importance of this election year 2009. The summer will be filled with candidate fundraisers and this is your chance to become apart of the solution and become involved in your community. I have also been attending the Ulster County Legislature Meetings and I must say that I have been educated and impressed.
So much to do and not enough time. See you out and about over the next several months making a difference in your community.


Anonymous said...

Perhaps if you choose to administer a blogspot, you should devote more time to it. Some nasty comments were sent and posted by you that might have turned us all off when you first started but, Jean, c'mon girlfriend, you gotta show some more diligence.

Anonymous said...

I am glad to hear you are attending the County meetings. You should give real thought to running for the County Legislature. With the current situation, you could win.

I know the City Republicans have given you a rough time. Since they don't have candidates for the Legislature, you could slip in and get the nomination. Then, once you're elected Legislator, the City Republicans will have to come to you and grovel.

You really should run fpr the County Legislature.

Jacobs Live People for People said...

Response to Anonymous 10:26 PM
Thank you for your encouraging words and as I said on my blog, "my eye is always on the prize" but above all my true MISSION has always been to serve the people and give them a voice. I have been extremeley motivated and impressed by attending the Ulster County Legislature meetings.

Happy Campaigning

Jacobs Live People for People said...

In response to Anonymous 5/15/09 4:04 PM
Who do you think you are??? You could not hold a candle to the years I have served my community. I did not realize that I am beholding to you when I should administer my BLOG. Get a life or start your own BLOG!!

Anonymous said...

Is it true that Sue Zimet was at the Bonacic fundraiser?

Anonymous said...

I have always admired your sincere desire to helping to make your community and party better. There is no one else that has volunteered and been involved in as many organizations as you. It might be worth the effort to consider running for office. See who the City Republican Committee has recruited for aldermatic candidate in the 5th Ward. After you pick yourself off the floor from doubling over from laughing hysterically, maybe you will reconsider. As for Legislature, you never know. It's anyone's guess on that race. You know best. Whatever you decide, the people will rally for you.

Anonymous said...


I was referring to one of the original remarks that you posted when you first started the blog involving a sexual act that you allowed to be on the blog. You actually know and respect me and have known me for decades but now I’m not going to reveal my identity. We have spoken on your show many times and I was simply referring to the fact that you take some time to post and respond to posters as evidenced by this very first entry which I submitted on May 13th which was posted 2 days later and got insultingly responded to on the 22nd. I have sent other things that never made it also.
C’mon I’m on your side and I didn’t expect you to jump down my throat. I do serve my community or our community but I didn’t realize it was a competition—I have started a blog but never advertised it so no one knew about it so I removed it. I do have a life and I’m a survivor of more crap than you’d care to experience so perhaps you should learn some humility and patience and not be so quick to react. You almost seem like Cahill for christsake with the holier than thou attitude. I have been very complimentary and encouraging about your attitude and fitness for office here and on other blogs and places, so I will take the high road and pass this off as a simple misunderstanding since I wasn’t chastising you—all I meant was that you don’t devote much time to the blog which is your prerogative and you are certainly not beholding to me--so, smile you beautiful woman and go for the leadership position of your choice.

Anonymous said...

to follow up to an earlier post I sent at 9:13, someone else made the nasty comment not you Jean in case that still isn't clear.

Anonymous said...

The advice from 11:23 is foolish. Why subject yourself to a primary. Running for legislator gives you a straight shot without a primary.

If your goal is vengenace against the Cahills, run for Alderman. If it is to get elected and serve, run for legislator.

Jacobs Live People for People said...

To all of my bloggers I have been keeping my eye on the prize and the way you get there is by analyzing the need and to return Republicans to Power. I am so tired of hearing that the Republicans are in the toilet. This energizes me even more to step up and continue to make a difference for the people. I lead by example and the way to achieve a victory is by addressing the serious issues we face as a City and County. To get even or attack my fellow man is not the way I lead. Yes I did run for Alderman twice in my Ward 5 and I did not take the victory but more importantly I was willing to serve and give of myself to the people of Ward 5. To attack me and say I am a loser is the only way some people can communicate their feelings. Mr. Richard Cahill Sr. Republican Alderman candidate is going to run in Ward 5 again this election year. Previously he lost several times running as the Republican Candidate for this position in Ward 5. If we allow ourselves to dwell on the negative we take our eye off of the victory.
What ever I decide it will be in the best interest of the people. I am most impressed with the County Legislator meetings. I have been privileged to meet many leaders there, serving the people of Ulster County. Stay Tunned into my Blog you may be surprised!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Cahill Sr. NEVER ran for Ward 5 Alderman.

He ran years ago in the old 7th Ward and the old 13th. It was Cahill Jr. who ran in the 5th ward back in the mid 1990's.

I agree with some of your prior posters. If you run, run for the Legislator position. What's the point of a primary against the Sr. Cahill. People will think you're attacking an old man.

Plus, the county legislator incumbants are in trouble. The latest jail lawsuit has people angry. The current Dems in the legislature are just primed to be dumped.

Can you imagaine the look on Cahill Jr. and Sinagra's face when you are elected legsilator?? It would be priceless.

Anonymous said...

Any word on any other rep or con legislative prospects? You have a good chance, Jean, but its hard to believe Sinagra's not grooming anybody to primary you for a run out of the republican gate. Would he really let you take that "clear shot" at the legislature?

Anonymous said...

So, are you running for Legislator?

Anonymous said...

Jean and 8:05,

People are going to see Noonan for what HE really is when he primaries for legislative district eight, and I believe the whole party will suffer as a result of the bad press. Please, Jean, PLEASE don't fan the flames by calling for another last minute primary like Glen is about to! You're a public sevant, a significant member of a great team, and you're better than that!

With all due respect, I suggest that you work hard to bring our party back to its roots. A party that directly supports a government by the people of the people for the people. There's not a whole lot of accolades for a woman behind the scenes. But your friends will know. Your local community will know. And YOU will know, Jean! And of course, members of a winning team will continue in public and not-so-public ways to influence things for the good of the people long after the high emotions of a camapiagn are over.

Anonymous said...

Jean, I'm confused.
You are listed in the Kingston Times as being nominated by the committee for district six.
You were NOT nominated by the committee for any office, and you reside in district twelve.

Please explain yourself and tell us how whatever it is you're planning to do is going to help your community or your party.

Jacobs Live People for People said...

In response to June 6th, 2009 Anonymous blogger: Let me make myself very clear hear for you and my community. I never told the media that I was running in District 6 and they never asked me. I will tell my viewing audience when I decide to run for office. I am in District 12. To the media I would suggest that before they print a story they call the respective individuals to confirm. Never ever did I put my name in the race as a candidate for District 6 Legislature. Should you have any further questions or sugestions never hesitate to ask me. Thank You

Jacobs Live People for People said...

In response to June 6th, 2009 Anonymous blogger: Let me make myself very clear hear for you and my community. I never told the media that I was running in District 6 and they never asked me. I will tell my viewing audience when I decide to run for office. I am in District 12. To the media I would suggest that before they print a story they call the respective individuals to confirm. Never ever did I put my name in the race as a candidate for District 6 Legislature. Should you have any further questions or sugestions never hesitate to ask me. Thank You

Anonymous said...

What you are doing by keeping everybody wondering if you're going for legislator is making us all look very foolish and disunified. Jean this serves no one but yourself. What happened to putting others first?

Jacobs Live People for People said...

What you are doing by keeping everybody wondering if you're going for legislator is making us all look very foolish and disunified. Jean this serves no one but yourself. What happened to putting others first?


I am responding to this blog post!!
I am keeping no one wondering about my intentions. Let me make myself very clear. I have said previously that I may consider the legislator position and this candidate vacancy was filled by another Republican and BRAVO him. Currently I have been given the option to consider this position once again in District 12. Public Trust should be our conern. Why lash out at me? I have been true to my Republican Values and Beliefs all of my life. Why is it acceptable that in the GOP City Committee others have decided to run and even possibly primary other Republicans? This was acceptable. This is a democracy and this is our right. I am not serving myself I am serving the people something we forget about when back room deals are made. I must make a decision that serves the people not myself. The Republicans in our Country, our State, our County and our City must reform or we will be a party of the past. Stop attacking your fellowman and think about the Public Trust we are presently creating within our party. Mr. Cahill states," What is more important than the letter next to a person's name is what that person believes and how strong the feelings are." This may be Mr. Cahills belief but ask yourself, how does the voting public accept this statement when they go to the polls in November?

Anonymous said...

So finally it is out, Jean. You are primarying for a legislive seat in district twelve. Big surprise. What exactly did you hope to accomplish by keeping this secret that was never really a secret? Except to circumvent the nominating system, where you knew you would never be supported?

Anonymous said...

Back at 7:10 PM--It would be wise for you to check the nominated candidates that were posted in the Times Herald Record--a more thorough accounting of local news because they are not in the pockets of key people in the County Committee. Fact is, in order to primary, wouldn't there have to be two candidates on the ballot for District 12? Not so. Check your facts. And as for the nominating process, it is bogus and nothing more than a formality. It means absolutely nothing. There should be a primary for every position that is on the ballot. The voters should be the ones who choose the candidate for the party and not a group of committee people who have made deals with the devil in most cases to support candidates that should not even be on the ballot.

Anonymous said...

7:28- But the candidates listed for 12 WERE misreported..... in ALL the papers! Jean was initially reported as having been nominated at the convention for 6 and that wasn't true. That wasn't simply an oversight, it plain out was not true because she wasn't nominated for anything. Someone obviously told someone who told someone who told someone it might occur, and the reporter ran with it several days after the fact. One of the actual nominees for 12 didn't even have his name spelled right in TONY'S records, so when he passed it along to the press they invented at least two other misspellings of their own. The second nominee was all good to go but then it was discovered that while he does business in 12 he lives in 6! It would have been nice to know that one before petitions were printed and began circulating! With all of these rediculous things occurring, only for Jean to emerge from the crowd to be appointed as a nominee for 12 in lieu of Scildhorn, the will of the people is more blatantly circumvented than if the city and county committee made the decisions. Anyway, that's my point. No rank and file were involved in Jean's procurement of this spot on the petition/ballot. For someone who's in it for the good of the people, that is not such a good way to start a campaign.

Anonymous said...

Back at 12:59 PM—Based on your comments, you were at the June 2 City Convention. It was obvious that Schildhorn was nominated at the very last minute as a Legislative candidate in District 12. You mean to tell me that Schildhorn did not know he didn’t live in District 12 until the petitions were circulated with the wrong District number? Ingoglio didn’t know the incumbents he is running against or what legislative district he represents when he was a guest on a local radio show? What does this tell you about the best qualified candidates for these positions? Where did the officers find these people? Rank and file didn’t nominate Schildhorn for the District 6 Legislator position either so why ridicule Ms. Jacobs? I would bet that either the County or City leader gave the wrong information to the press and if they don’t know what District their candidates are in and how to spell their names correctly, they should pack it in. Further, the officers are to blame for endorsing the wrong candidates for the wrong districts and providing the wrong information for the petitions. If you want to criticize someone, start at the top. The petitions were processed and mailed from Headquarters so if the brainiacs there did not know enough to check and double-check the information, shame on them. A lot of finger-pointing toward Ms. Jacobs is uncalled for, because the officers who should have had their ducks in order, really made a mess of this petition process. As previously noted, the convention to anoint candidates is meaningless.