Friday, November 26, 2010

City of Kingston, Chairman Jean Jacobs City of Kingston Advisory Task Force

Read the article today in the Kingston Daily Freeman 11/26/2010. If you are interested in serving on the CAT TASK FORCE, please feel free to contact me.

Fwd: Jean Jacobs, City of Kingston Chairman, CAT City Advisory Task Force


Thursday, November 25, 2010

"Happy Thanksgiving from My Home to Yours"

Home is where the HEART is.


Today is a "Special Day" to give thanks for our children, parents, family, friends, our community and for our Armed Forces serving our country each and every day. The one gift each and every one of us should be thankful for today, is the GIFT OF FREEDOM. Sometimes we all take life for granted trying to meet the day to day trials and tribulations of raising a family and keeping food on the table, we often forget why we are here and what the real meaning of Thanksgiving is all about.

From My Table to Yours enjoy the Celebration of the Day and make the most of each and every moment.
God Bless
From: Jacobs Live People for People
Jean Jacobs