Thursday, March 26, 2009

From the Desk of Jean Jacobs

Dear Citizens of Kingston:

I feel I have a professional obligation and a responsibility to inform my public regarding my service to you as the Republican City Chairman in the City of Kingston from February 2006 until January 2009. I announced on my blog several weeks ago that I would keep the public updated and I have honored that commitment in my announcement today. It has been an honor and a privilege to serve you and I look forward working with all of you in the future.

In response to the Kingston Times article on March 19, 2009 "He's the boss" I offer this statement. The article states, that current Chairman brushed aside complaints made by former committee boss Jean Jacobs that her ouster violated party by-laws. My ouster absolutely did violate the party by-laws and if you are a true leader who combines high ethics with a genuine concern for others, personal competence, and fairness in the exercise of power, you will inspire trust and realize that actions like this can only hurt society. As leaders, we know that personal ethics are the foundation of our relationship to the rest of society. We all need hero's and people with high ideals to inspire us.

I can assure you that I will continue to pursue my quest in determining my rights in this issue. Ladies and Gentlemen it is not about 'Who's The Boss' it is about working for the citizens of the City of Kingston. Each of us has a personal responsibility for ethical behavior and a sincere respect for each other. Lack of respect for each other creates a divide that will create a negative power within any establishment.

During my term as the Republican City Committee Chairman I made many wonderful acquaintances and worked with so many wonderful people, many Republican Leaders, Committeemen and above all the citizens of the City of Kingston. I knocked on many a door and I was always welcomed with such a warm sense of hospitality. We serve in these positions to make the world a better place and we inspire our children to realize the importance of giving back to their community when they grow up and become parents.

Please be advised that the Ulster County Lawyer for the Republican Party, someone I never met took control of my position and based a decision of my removal on an opinion. I can assure each and everyone of you that their are rules and regulations that govern and protect the position of a Party Chairman. I will keep my public informed with the truth as it relates to this issue but more importantly I ask each and everyone of you to become involved in your community. For over thirty five years I have served my community in many areas of public service. It is time for new leadership, and a new direction by restoring hope to the people. I have a wealth of knowledge over my years of public service which will serve as an asset in determining the future of our fine city.

Preserve our Heritage by Working Together to Improve our Community.

Thank you for listening.
Jean C. Jacobs


Anonymous said...

Ms. Jacobs could you please answer a question as it relates to your position of Chairman when you served this office. I am a long time Republicn in the City of Kingston. I consider the Republican Party a representation of the public and when I read these constant attacks against Mayor Sottile by Mr. Cahill does this have to be approved by the committee. This is not the way you govern in a position that represents the people. I agree with representing the public with issues but when you publicaly call the Mayor a LIAR this is a disgrace and I would like to come to one of your meetings to discuss this contempt by Mr. Cahill
A taxpayer and long time Republican

Anonymous said...

The lawyer you mention and never met is Joseph R. Pisani and is a second class citizen. He has no right judging a woman of your integrity and class. Catalano should take his friend on a slow boat to China because he brings reproach upon every good, hard-working Republican in the County. Shame on him. And Rich Cahill will never be Mayor.--The Bookie

Anonymous said...

Pisani has a criminal record and if you don't believe what you are reading, Google him and see what appears before your very eyes. He is without a doubt a dirtbag and anyone who associates with the likes of someone of this caliber, is no better.

Anonymous said...

Cahill is right. Sottile is a liar.

Anonymous said...

Give it up. You lost and it's over.

Anonymous said...

Pisani is a convicted felon who spent time in Federal prison and was disbarred. How he still is allowed to practice law is questionable. It disturbs me that I have to repost my comment because of the idiot on the other blog that took down the header because someone got to him.

Anonymous said...

Pisani has a longer criminal record than Al Cappone. JD

Anonymous said...

It was strongly suggested by someone when the previous story first broke that you would find it in your best interest to file appropriate papers in the Supreme Court to seek justice. Another spin to this might possibly be for a lawyer to guide you pro bono. Preferably a democrat. Now that is poetic justice.

Jacobs Live People for People said...

My response to anonymous 5:40 PM post. I would like to inform you of the facts in terms of your statement. "Give it up you lost it's over". I did not lose. I was voted into office by the Repubican Committee in February 2006 and again by the committee in October 2007 as Chairman of the Republican Party in the City of Kingston. It is not a matter of losing it is a matter of what is right according to the rules and regulations that govern this position. I suggest before you make a statement like this again you do your homework.
Jean Jacobs

Jacobs Live People for People said...

I am responding to Anonoymous 1:17 PM. My platform has always been to lead by example by informing the public of how I am going improve my community as a public official, by creating a MISSION and attainable goals. Previously serving as the Chairman of the Republican Party I took great pride in how our committee addressed the public. I would never ever call our Mayor a LIAR. If we are going to lead, we need strong ethics for two reasons: to guide ourselves and to set examples for others. When we have strong ethical values, we raise the level of conduct and aspiration for both ourselves and our followers. If you are interested in attending a meeting, please feel to contact me at your earliest convenience and I will notify the present Chairman of your intentions.
Jean Jacobs

Jacobs Live People for People said...

I am responding to Anonoymous 1:17 PM. My platform has always been to lead by example by informing the public of how I am going improve my community as a public official, by creating a MISSION and attainable goals. Previously serving as the Chairman of the Republican Party I took great pride in how our committee addressed the public. I would never ever call our Mayor a LIAR. If we are going to lead, we need strong ethics for two reasons: to guide ourselves and to set examples for others. When we have strong ethical values, we raise the level of conduct and aspiration for both ourselves and our followers. If you are interested in attending a meeting, please feel to contact me at your earliest convenience and I will notify the present Chairman of your intentions.
Jean Jacobs

Jacobs Live People for People said...

I am responding to Anonoymous 1:17 PM. My platform has always been to lead by example by informing the public of how I am going improve my community as a public official, by creating a MISSION and attainable goals. Previously serving as the Chairman of the Republican Party I took great pride in how our committee addressed the public. I would never ever call our Mayor a LIAR. If we are going to lead, we need strong ethics for two reasons: to guide ourselves and to set examples for others. When we have strong ethical values, we raise the level of conduct and aspiration for both ourselves and our followers. If you are interested in attending a meeting, please feel to contact me at your earliest convenience and I will notify the present Chairman of your intentions.
Jean Jacobs

Anonymous said...

It is a shame the way the party has gone. Catalano is trying to split the county into the north against the south and he wants to lead the north at all costs. Jean, you are a victim of his scorched earth policy. Sadly catalano has refused to accept the wishes of mainstream republicans and resign. This refusal has been the death knell of the party.

Anonymous said...

Do everyone a favor and just go away. Stick to the school board and losing elections there.

Jacobs Live People for People said...

My response to Anonymous 2:00 3/27/09
Your ignorance is to be commended. You hide behind your comment for me to just go away and to stick to the school board and losing elections.
I have earned my acceptance in my community because I care about the people. I realize you may be upset because you would rather attack me instead of trying to make a difference in your community. It is easy to hide behind a post but the real test is when you decide to join the TEAM of making a difference. Show us your credentials and if you fit the job description we might just hire you. Until then you are just a WANABE. Shame on You
Jean Jacobs

Anonymous said...

You earned what position? You lost the school board position in a huge landslide. You lost twice to Annemarie Dibella by huge margins and she is very unpopular in the ward.

You are delusional.

Jacobs Live People for People said...

Dear Delusional. In response to your anonoymous 10:37 AM 3/29/09 comment.
"You earned what position? You lost the school board position in a huge landslide. You lost twice to Annemarie Dibella by huge margins and she is very unpopular in the ward".
My response: I served a term as as BOE Trustee 1996-1997 and was elected by the BOE by a unanimous vote. I was elected by the public in 1999 with a large margin of votes and served my public from 1999-2002. I was elected by my BOE as the President of the BOE and served my term as president from July 2001 until June 2002. Before you attack people take a lesson in learning the facts. I would be interested in your public service record??? I ran for Alderman in my Ward 5 twice in 2005 and 2007. You are correct and I did not obtain a victory. What did I learn from this experience? I was respected, and admired for my willingness to serve the Republicans in Ward 5. It was a wonderful opportunity for me to serve my fellow citizens, and help make my community a great place to live, work, raise a family and do business. It is not always about winning but I was out there willing to

Anonymous said...

To 10:37 AM--If my memory serves me correctly, last election it was about keeping the incumbent in office because you never know how it's going to turn out with a new-bee. Sometimes you are better off with what you have, than risk the unknown. That’s why Richard Cahill didn’t aspire to being Mayor and never will.
Ann Marie DiBella got lucky last time out for the very same reason. Also, the City demographics is predominantly democratic. You have to hard-sell any candidate that runs against the democratic machine in the City. So, lay off Ms. Jacobs.

Anonymous said...

If you want to find out more about the lawyer that was retained for the Republican Party, interesting reading about his shameful acts can also be found at
After you read this heart-wrenching article, you may change your opinion very quickly.

Anonymous said...

Pisani has contaminated the Republican Party. No thanks to Chair Catalano for embracing a felon who has no regard for human decency. The guy is an absolute dirtbag. Nice going Catalano.

Anonymous said...

Catalano didn’t embrace him—Pisani is his good friend. Does not say much for being a good judge of character.

Anonymous said...

There should be a law that restricts convicted felons like Pisani from participating in political arenas spreading his vermin.

Anonymous said...

Candidates running for office should not be permitted to accept any campaign contributions from the likes of people like Pisani. Fact is our assembly candidate last year accepted a hefty contribution for her campaign and this is despicable. After all the hoopla about Richard Cahill accepting only $50 from a lesser offender, it is only fitting that these funds be returned.

Anonymous said...

Ms. Jacobs—May I ask how Richard Cahill continues to spew verbal diarrhea and attack the integrity of the Mayor and others at City Hall. Now he is attacking Alderman Hoffay? Is this proper conduct for an officer of the City Republican Committee and an aspiring politician to do so? Would you have allowed him to do this when you were City Chair? Can’t someone control him? It is so inappropriate for him to continue to attack, attack, attack. Doesn’t he realize this could potentially ruin his public service ambitions? Has he no common decency?

Anonymous said...

Jean -

This is (I'm being serious!) AWESOME"...


"My response to Anonymous 2:00 3/27/09...

"Show us your credentials and if you fit the job description we might just hire you. Until then you are just a WANABE. Shame on You" (Jean Jacobs)

Keep up the good work Jean! I'm (even though it isn't my place, and I AM a Democrat) very PROUD of YOU!