Saturday, January 31, 2009


Lets Take a Test:

1. A Leader Has a Mission That Matters.
2. A Leader is A Big Thinker
3. A Leader Has High Ethics
4. A Leader is a Change Master
5. A Leader is Sensitive (Inspiring Loyalty).
6. A Leader is a Risk Taker
7. A Leader is a Decision Maker
8. A Leader Uses Power Wisely
9. A Leader Communicates Effectively
10. A Leader is a Team Builder
11. A Leader is Courageous
12. A Leader is Committed
What is your TRUE Score
Ask yourself this question on a scale of 1-10?
"I am interested in Honest Responses" SCORE_________________


Anonymous said...
Jean..Have posted this here to let your followers know that if justice is served, you remain the City Chair inspite of what is commented elsewhere. Oh, happy day!!..The City Republican Committee once again under the leadership of Anthony Sinagra who was a candidate for alderman seat in 2005 and tried to sneak Conservative petitions through with the help of Richard T. Cahill, Jr who actually did not personally witness signatures. And Bruce McLean who in 2003 criticizes a local non-profit of not paying their taxes, when what do you know? Mr. McLean doesn’t pay his taxes on time either. Talk about calling the kettle black. Oh, his excuse was he forgot. Whoops!! All big NO-NOS. These are the very people who think they are leaders who will take credit for moving the City forward? Respectable, dignified and ingenuous? You must be kidding. We are doomed. I am horrified that they would allow such a thing to happen to such a compassionate and sincere person. This does not set the tone for the future of the community.
January 30, 2009 11:27 PM

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


A Special Thank You to Nancy and Bob Smith who hosted a party to Celebrate the Inauguration of President Barack Obama at the Muddy Cup last evening. Many area politicians, political activists, students and community members were invited and filled the room with a sense of pride and hope for the future. The message from all in attendance was they were "Proud To Be an American". The energy in the room was electrifying and especially when the students (tomorrows future spoke) how this day in history will change their lives forever. When Nancy asked me to speak I felt the need to tell the audience how impressed I was with their enthusiasm and willingness to become involved in their community. The evening continued with excerpts from the Presidents Speech, karaoke, dancing and singing to the tune of "Together We can Make a Difference". At the end of the evening Channel 6 news came and interviewed many in attendance. Definitely a night to Remember!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nancy and Bob Smith are champions in an effort to involve the people, which is a true testimony in their ability to build a stronger community.

Saturday, January 17, 2009



To all of my valued viewers, I respectfully report to you today, that I remain the Chairman of the Republican Party in the City of Kingston. I feel it is critically important to report the truth to the public. Respect for your governmental officials is built on loyalty and trust in their leadership. As your Republican Chairman in the City of Kingston, I offer you these qualities and will continue to serve you throughout the 2009 election year. I thank you for your confidence and support in my leadership. If you have any questions, suggestions, or recommendations of how together we can move our city forward, please feel free to send me your comments.

I look forward to hearing from you.


Jean C. Jacobs

Republican Chairman

City of Kingston

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Well today was quite the challenge as the snow shoveling was a back breaker. I looked around my neighborhood while I was shoveling and I was empowered and energized by the pride that my neighbors had in their property and their willingness to help others. It was like the "good old days" when neighbors came together to offer a hand and care. The Mayor even stopped on on his way up my street today to see if I needed to have my driveway plowed. This is why I have such a passion about my city and the people that live here. We all must get along and be willing to work together to build a stronger more vibrant community. My mother use to say to me, " to exercise your power Jean you must use greatness." I always remembered this encouragement from my mother and continue to use this philosophy today. My Blog comment today is a lesson for all of us to consider and be ready to help and support our neighbors when they need us. So often the fast pace of life today, does not always allow us the time to give back or take that extra 15 minutes to offer our time to help someone. Think about this the next time you see someone that needs your help.

I am also extending my sincere condolences to Mayor Sottile and his family, in the loss of Mayor Sottiles father Arthur Sottile. My father was a good friend of Arthur Sottile and to this day reminisces of years ago when they went to school together and growing up in the City of Kingston. So often my father tells me, " they were the "good old days." My father James Wells is 88 and has many fond memories as a child growing up in Kingston with his 9 brothers and sisters on Hone Street and he attended Saint Mary's School. My father was also a World War II Veteran and served four years overseas during World War II.

If you have a story of the "good old days" in the City of Kingston, please share this on my Blog with my viewers. Everyone enjoys a good story.


Thursday, January 8, 2009



#1 New Years Resolution

"I Welcome you to Get Involved in Your Community"

I want to express my gratitude for the support I have received from my constituents in the City of Kingston in 2008. I have worked hard to represent your interest and always have had an open door policy to listen to your concerns, offer my suggestions and inform and educate you with the facts. I look forward to your continued support in the upcoming year and the 2009 County and City election. The #1 New Year Resolution that everyone should consider, is becoming involved in your community. Believe me the rewards far exceed the sacrifices. Despite your political affiliation I welcome you to step up to the plate and offer your time, effort and energy in making a difference in your community. Where do I begin? This is the number one question everyone asks. You can E-mail me or call your local Alderman, the school where your child attends, and many support groups located in the local area newspapers. There are many issues facing our fine city and I ask you to join me in working together to reduce crime, maintain safety within our schools, build economic development, and hold our city governmental officials and school officials accountable when spending our tax dollars.

The next year will bring changes and new challenges to our community and together we can make a real difference by working to "Preserve our Heritage by Working Together to Improve our Community". I ask all of my viewers to step up to the plate and make this New Years Resolution for 2009 a year to remember and the fact that you were apart of making a difference in your community.

"Join me in Building a better Future for Ulster County, City of Kingston, New York State and our Nation."

Question: What's your vision for your Community 10 years from now? I look forward to your responses.


Jean Jacobs