Sunday, February 15, 2009


So often today we the people get sidetracked in our daily lives by the phrase "Let's Make a Deal". Many individuals are looking out for themselves in how they can get better their professional and political career with little effort in the detail. So often we take the approach of becoming a CHIEF before we have ever had the opportunity of serving as an INDIAN and becoming educated in the position.. This is called, "Climbing the Corporate Ladder without taking responsibility at the entry level of professionalism". How many in my viewing audience can associate their experiences as they relate to this subject? Politics plays a considerable role in this analogy. Why? As leaders we live under a microscope. Nothing that we say escapes the scrutiny and the examination of our followers.
As professionals and leaders we must ask ourselves repeatedly,
"What message am I sending"? "What environment am I creating"?
"What example am I setting"?
"Let' Make A Deal" is apart of our business and political agendas on a daily basis.
Do you make deals to climb the Political and Corporate Ladder???


Anonymous said...

Although I try to avoid making ethno-centered comments that are politically insensitive, I located this post which nails the whole thing. Signed: a friend of JLPFP

Too Many Indians, Not Enough Chiefs: Why Are Americans Resentful of the Government?
February 08, 2007 by
Tyger Schonholzer

We've all heard the saying, 'Too many Chiefs, not enough Indians,' referring to a skewed ratio of leaders over followers. It is an irreverent statement, politically incorrect and not very accurate.

The saying is based on several faulty assumptions. Assumptions about Indians, leadership, politics, and human beings in general. Assumptions, that have carried over from the last century and perhaps even centuries before.

Pre colonization Indians, or Native Americans, who lived in tribal societies, were often remarkably organized and highly democratic. They held tribal councils, comprised of men and women of esteem and these council members governed the tribe and facilitated important decisions. However, tribal members who were not on the council were not necessarily mere followers. They too had decision powers. Educated in the ways of the tribe, their decisions were guided but not dictated by the tribal councils. The good of the tribe came first, but the individual was not slave to its traditions. Europeans in the throes of medieval despotism, who first encountered these very functional democracies, had trouble understanding them.

Naturally, with a council and extended discussions, there were few snap decisions. Important issues, like wars or relocations took careful planning and may have caused extensive parlaying among the governing members. Europeans, used to dictatorships may have seen this as a weakness. The derogatory phrase listed above shows their mind-set about it.

Today, many Americans still believe in the need for a government, that spends little time in discussion and more time in direct action, even if the results are not in their best interest. Flashy moves impress more than carefully researched proceedings. They convey power and pretend insider know-how, cradling voters in false security. Americans often want pat answers to simplistic questions and they are happy if someone else is doing the deciding, even if, in retrospect, the decisions were dead wrong.

We tend to assume that leaders must by necessity have followers. And we tend to insist on a ratio of many followers to any one, usually authoritative leader. But, that is not how true leadership works. Today, in the workplace, we have returned to the democratic model of tribal societies. Teamwork is prized and team members must find ways to discuss opposing views respectfully. A consensus is not always reached and sometimes compromises are necessary. Good team leaders guide the discussion, but do not dictate decisions. And they must be able to follow as well as lead.

So why are Americans still resentful of such a government style? Is it because democracy opposes progress? Hardly! While democracies may be slow moving, they are still vastly more pleasant to live in than totalitarian societies. And they generally embrace positive change. Perhaps people avoid independent thinking and research because they feel overwhelmed. They may not have the resources to explain and understand more complex issues. Or they may just be afraid to try. And they may be uncomfortable with the amount of work and time others invest in leadership decisions. They become yea-sayers and one-issue voters because it is easier that way. And they become followers, or, as the saying goes, 'Indians' instead of 'Chiefs.'

The trouble is that we lack effective leadership on the grass-roots level. We don't have enough guides that can steer us toward in-depth information and resources, so we can make informed, intelligent decisions. And there are mechanisms in force that prevent us from getting to those resources. We must counteract these forces. We must halt the deterioration of our democracy before we forget how to do it. But we can only do it with knowledge.

We need more 'chiefs', more seekers, with their fingers on the pulse of knowledge to guide us into the next decade. We need more leaders and fewer followers. We need more informed citizens who can see the big picture and conduct respectful discussions about the future of our country. It is no longer a viable option to remain passive in this changing political world. You and I and Uncle Frank and Aunt Sarah-Mae will have to dig in our heels and educate ourselves. We must learn to lead, rather than blindly follow. And we must show up at the tribal council and let our leadership qualities shine, so that others can learn to their fullest potential. It is the democratic way!

Jacobs Live People for People said...

In response to a friend of JLPFP 6:42 AM Anonymous post. I can't tell you how impressed I am with your analogy and theory Too Many Indians, Not enough Chiefs. It makes me proud to know there are such intelligent people willing to share their views and knowledge. I look forward to hearing from this blogger in the future. Thank you for your most informative post. Jean Jacobs

Anonymous said...

I hear the county has agreed with Cahill and Sinagra. Bye-bye.

Anonymous said...

Let it be said 11:15 AM that it is not over until the fat lady sings. So I would not be too sure about your statement if I were you. And who would exactly be the
"County" anyway?

Jacobs Live People for People said...

In response to Anonymous 11:15 AM. I offer my statement. Thank you for your recent update regarding my position as the Republican Chairman. I strongly suggest that you enroll in a Character Education class which may educate you in how to become an effective leader. You never know you may just go out there in the real world and Make A Difference someday. Bye Bye

Anonymous said...

It would be worth it for 11:15 AM to read the history lesson incorporated into this week's Kingston Times Letter to the Editor "Who's The Boss Really." The revelation is quite evident--neither AS or RC are community leaders. Ms. Jacobs you are the true definition of what a leader is. You should be proud of your unselfish contributions.

Jacobs Live People for People said...

In response to anonymous 11:42 AM I offer my comment:
I would like to take this opportunity to thank my blogger for their sincerity as it relates to my Community Leadership and for raising the awareness regarding the informative facts published in the Kingston Times article this week, Who's Really the Boss: I suggest that my viewing audience read the article. After reading the article I welcome your comments.

Anonymous said...


You are the blogger, we are the posters unless we also have a blog spot and are responding as a fellow blogger--thankfully, we are not referred to as bloggees. I posted the comment made in the first part of this section which was cut and pasted from Tyger Schonholzer on Associated I merely offered it as food for thought and it wasn't my original thesis but I appreciate your sincere praise and community-mindedness. The dignity and civic pride which is in your heart shines through because you were brought up right with love and respect for yourself and others. When I left this post I was honestly concerned with eliminating another semi-negative attitude and stereotype of Native Americans that we were raised on before the consciousness-elevation-awareness began to finally emerge similar to the elimination of harassment against women by men and minority groups in general.

Signed: A friend of JLPFP

Anonymous said...

Interesting that you did not deny that the county affirmed Cahill and Sinagra. That speaks volumes.

As for the letter by DiFalco, it was bitter and angry. I bet anything Cahill responds and makes her look foolish in next week's paper.

Jacobs Live People for People said...

To My Viewing Audience and Blog Posters:

As of Tuesday February 17th, 2009 at 4:06 PM I offer this statement that speaks volumes: I respetfully remain the Republican Chairman in the City of Kingston. I hope this confirms and answers your question anonymous 2/17/09 1:17 PM.
Jean Jacobs

Anonymous said...

The word on the street is you are still the Chair of the City Republican Committee regardless of recent opinions. When the Democrats get through challenging and winning all races this November, it will be another 30 years before the Republicans can see day light. All because Catalano has been only thinking of himself and not the party making backroom deals with the devil to sustain his existence. Take cover Catalano. His days are numbered. He deserves the AOTYA.