Wednesday, January 21, 2009


A Special Thank You to Nancy and Bob Smith who hosted a party to Celebrate the Inauguration of President Barack Obama at the Muddy Cup last evening. Many area politicians, political activists, students and community members were invited and filled the room with a sense of pride and hope for the future. The message from all in attendance was they were "Proud To Be an American". The energy in the room was electrifying and especially when the students (tomorrows future spoke) how this day in history will change their lives forever. When Nancy asked me to speak I felt the need to tell the audience how impressed I was with their enthusiasm and willingness to become involved in their community. The evening continued with excerpts from the Presidents Speech, karaoke, dancing and singing to the tune of "Together We can Make a Difference". At the end of the evening Channel 6 news came and interviewed many in attendance. Definitely a night to Remember!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nancy and Bob Smith are champions in an effort to involve the people, which is a true testimony in their ability to build a stronger community.


Anonymous said...

It was an awesome party, and I thank you for your participation!


Anonymous said...


I don't know if you caught the Time Warner Channel Six coverage of the party - or saw any of the photos yet - but there is a homemade video-clip (along with a bunch of photos, if you scroll down) over on my blog at http://

Thanks again,


Clark Richters said...

Where’s Your Blog List?

Jacobs Live People for People said...

In response to one of my viewers regarding my blog list, I am working on updating many features of my blog. The real expert that can educate many of us is
Mr. Clark Richter. He is a master at the trade and has an exceptional amount of knowledge to share with all of us. Thank you Clark for the many hours you spend in educating and informing the public.