Thursday, December 10, 2009


Everyone feels the peace, and excitement and wonder of the holidays. I would like everyone to sit back and experience the magic of the season and listen to your heart. Ask yourself a very important question, "How can I make a Difference in my Life and My Community"?
Over the last several weeks I have had the privilege, to return to my show "Jacobs Live People for People" to the airways on the Local KPA Channel 23. I would like to send a Special Thank You to all of the wonderful guests I have had on my show over the last several weeks. Mr. Todd Langon, (Producer, Let's Talk and Mr. Michael Gill Producer, What's the Issue) Mrs. Diane Reeder (Queens Galley), Mr. William Forte (Veterans Administration), Mrs. Laura Petit, (District 7 Ulster County Legislator), Mr. Brian Shapiro, (Executive Director of the Ulster County SPCA) and Ms. Gaetana Ciarlante, (Director and Founder of (SOS) Support of Servicemen and Servicewomen.
I have been away for a while on my BLOG, but never taking my eye off the importance of my community and my public service. I lost my father in September and it has been an extremely difficult time for our family. As of the New Year I feel we must all make resolutions and recognize the importance of UNITY. Gaetana Ciarlante spoke about this on my show last evening as it relates to her Mission and Vision for the future, with operation SOS. It is an eye opener to realize the importance and the power of this one little word.
I am saddened and outraged by many postings and comments about people that I admire and respect on area blogs and newspapers. Please listen to your conscience before passing judgement on others. There are so many issues facing our City, County and Nation that have such a high priority and yet many get caught up in attacking each other personally. Are they the LEADERS of tomorrow? I ask you that question?
Words of Wisdom "Live each day as if your life were being judged by that one day."
Wishing everyone a Very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanuka, and a Very Happy and Health New Year.
From the Jacobs Family, Jean, Jared, Jessica, Robin and Daniel


Anonymous said...

NEWS FLASH—A recent poll revealed that Jacobs Live..People For People was rated No. 1 for the best show on Public Access Channel 23. The show was rated for best quality and guests who brought informative and interesting topics to the table. The show has obviously moved forward in its format while the other shows continue to live in the past criticizing and bashing anyone and everyone, particularly elected officials. This show is worth watching and should be broadcast for an hour because it is always enlightening. Jacobs has surpassed the Monday evening line-up of “Kingston Chronicles” which boasts being the No. 1 show and is “like cornflakes without milk.” Kudos to Jacobs Live..People For People.

Anonymous said...

Those corn flakes are getting soggy.

Anonymous said...

Rich Cahill posts that he knows why the county budget didn't pass. He should stay out of things he knows nothing about and when was the last time you saw him attend a Legislature meeting to even pretend he knows what he is talking about? We all have his number. He read it in the local paper and reported on it. Now he thinks he is the expert. We all know if "People For People" reported on the story, you would have done some research, like attend one of the caucuses or interviewed the Minority or Majority Leaders or maybe even interviewed the Chair of Ways and Means so we would know the details. That's why you have surpassed the "corn flakes" by far. Signed...The Warden

Anonymous said...

For those of us who don't know when your show airs, can you please list it here.
Thank you.

Jacobs Live People for People said...

In response to December 15 10:50 question.

My show "Jacobs Live People for People" airs on Wednesday evenings at 8:00PM-8:30PM.

If anyone is interested in being a guest on my show please contact me. Happy Holidays