Tuesday, April 27, 2010


WOW, I just had a chance to sit down and give an update to my community. I have been out and about working for you. Latest events include the KIDS CLASSIC and outstanding event enjoyed by all in attendance. I had such a feeling of pride and accomplishment when I watched the KIDS run the races. Positive energy was the THEME for the day. A special Thank You to the YMCA for their efforts in making this another year of accomplishment for the youth in our community. It proves that our community can come together for the children. KUDOS to the parents, educators, running community volunteers, and local community contributors for giving of their time, effort and energy to make this day such a huge success.
Moving On: I was proud to offer my time in the most recent Clean Sweep efforts in the City of Kingston on Saturday April 25, 2010. KUDOS to the Friends of Historic Kingston for their organization and their ability to inspire citizens to become apart of such a rewarding day. Special thanks to our TEAM CAPTAINS Mr. Jerry Soldner, President of KURA, Mrs. Doris Soldner, Mr. Eric Winchell, Ms. Judith Sullivan and Mr. Chuck Jackson. Great Leaders making a difference daily in our community.
This year we will have three seats on the Kingston City School Board up for re-election. As President for the "TEAM THAT CARES" I reach out to my public today and ask for your support of our three candidates. I have been and always will be a strong advocate for the taxpayers, students and educators in the City of Kingston. Recognizing the serious financial deficit that taxpayers are presently facing, the Team That Cares endorses three candidates that will be working for you and the students in the Kingston City School District.
Ms. Barbara Patrick, Ms. Doris Soldner, and Mr. Todd Langon.
Upcoming Events:
Kingston City School District Public Budget Hearing Wednesday May 5, 2010
at 5:30 PM at Ciconi Building, Crown Street, Kingston NY
Candidates Night Tuesday, May 11, 2010, 6:30 PM
at Clifford Miller School, Lake Katrine, NY
Tuesday May 18, 2010 VOTE for Kingston City School District Budget
and School Board Candidates
Please check your voting location.
I attended a Public Information Meeting on April 20, 2010 at the Old Dutch Church hosted by Mr. Jerry Soldner, President and members of the Kingston Uptown Residents Association. Guest Speakers included, Mr. Mark Grunblatt, Counselor at Law and Mr. Jim Reffelt. Topics of discussion identified with How Estimates of Market Value are Determined for Residential Properties. I urge all residents and homeowners in the City of Kingston to become educated in an area of importance that affects your checkbook YOUR PROPERTY ASSESSMENT.
Last but not least I take serious issue with recent GRANDSTANDING tactics I have recently read in local papers. I am here working for you in the best interest of my community. I will raise the awareness if I do not agree with present administration, in all areas of government, including educational governance, city governance, county governance and state governance. Believe me when I say that a common thread runs through all forms of governing bodies. If we attack the people personally, we are taking valuable time away from the most critical issues facing all forms of government today. Everyone has a platform and every one's views and opinions should be respected. When you are climbing the political ladder to victory, reach out to your constituents by providing them with a PLATFORM that will inspire them to go out and vote for YOU. This is how you win elections.
Tune into JACOBS LIVE every Wednesday evening 8:00PM-8:30 PM on Kingston Area Public Access Channel 23.
Remember the Woman's Expo this weekend. Saturday May 1st, 2010.
Stay Tuned!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Good Evening Mr. President, Members of the Common Council and City of Kingston Residents in attendance this evening.
I stand before you this evening totally respecting you and your position as Leaders in our community. You are going to be facing some of the most serious financial decisions of lifetime in 2010. We are facing a crippling economy, loss of jobs, rising crime , and a city budget to master for the next year. I urge all of you to THINK OUT OF THE BOX. Currently we are pitting employees against administration which leads to poor moral affecting job performance. We must find a workable solution to the budget.
  1. Residents are facing a possible 10-12% increase in KCSD school taxes which is no longer sustainable for taxpayers.
  2. New York State is broke and should cut 30 Billion of spending over the next three years in actions from freezing state workers pay and benefits to axing aid for special education.
  3. School aid and Medicaid, the federal health plan for the poor account for 2/3 of the state budget.
  4. New York State is so broke it takes funds from itself to pay off Unapproved Debt.

We are living in a recession, depression and our fine city can no longer sustain the increases in taxes to offset the rising costs of our economy. Most of New York States debt is from falling tax collections and recent spending of billions of dollars. I urge the citizens of Kingston to take charge and become involved by motivating others to make a difference. Your tax dollars are at STAKE and the future of the City of Kingston. Stay Tuned!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, April 3, 2010


In today's society we are so quick to pass judgement or in fact attack the very persons credibility, reputation, and family. The scars can last a lifetime and does the blogger really think about this before he/she makes their comment, that could result in serious consequences?
Online Defamation Law
The Bloggers' FAQ on Online Defamation Law provides an overview of defamation (libel) law, including a discussion of the constitutional and statutory privileges that may protect you.
What is defamation?
Generally, defamation is a false and unprivileged statement of fact that is harmful to someone's reputation, and published "with fault," meaning as a result of negligence or malice. State laws often define defamation in specific ways. Libel is a written defamation; slander is a spoken defamation.
What are the elements of a defamation claim?
The elements that must be proved to establish defamation are:
a publication to one other than the person defamed;
a false statement of fact;
that is understood as
a. being of and concerning the plaintiff; and
b. tending to harm the reputation of plaintiff.
If the plaintiff is a public figure, he or she must also prove actual malice.
Is truth a defense to defamation claims?
Yes. Truth is an absolute defense to a defamation claim.
I am mortified and angry regarding some of the most recent BLOG posts I have seen. Instead of building cooperation and trust we are breaking down the very platform we are trying to build which is a democracy and a better government FOR THE PEOPLE.