When you make a sacrifice and serve your community you receive a commodity that can never be purchased. It can only be earned. It comes from service to OTHERS and sacrifice of self. A calm, quiet feeling in your heart and your soul is where Humility is born. And with Humility comes the real long lasting ability to Lead Others. My BLOG will inspire, educate and give a Voice to the People.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
- Residents are facing a possible 10-12% increase in KCSD school taxes which is no longer sustainable for taxpayers.
- New York State is broke and should cut 30 Billion of spending over the next three years in actions from freezing state workers pay and benefits to axing aid for special education.
- School aid and Medicaid, the federal health plan for the poor account for 2/3 of the state budget.
- New York State is so broke it takes funds from itself to pay off Unapproved Debt.
We are living in a recession, depression and our fine city can no longer sustain the increases in taxes to offset the rising costs of our economy. Most of New York States debt is from falling tax collections and recent spending of billions of dollars. I urge the citizens of Kingston to take charge and become involved by motivating others to make a difference. Your tax dollars are at STAKE and the future of the City of Kingston. Stay Tuned!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, April 3, 2010
The Bloggers' FAQ on Online Defamation Law provides an overview of defamation (libel) law, including a discussion of the constitutional and statutory privileges that may protect you.
Generally, defamation is a false and unprivileged statement of fact that is harmful to someone's reputation, and published "with fault," meaning as a result of negligence or malice. State laws often define defamation in specific ways. Libel is a written defamation; slander is a spoken defamation.
The elements that must be proved to establish defamation are:
a publication to one other than the person defamed;
a false statement of fact;
that is understood as
a. being of and concerning the plaintiff; and
b. tending to harm the reputation of plaintiff.
If the plaintiff is a public figure, he or she must also prove actual malice.
Is truth a defense to defamation claims?
Yes. Truth is an absolute defense to a defamation claim.