Thursday, January 8, 2009



#1 New Years Resolution

"I Welcome you to Get Involved in Your Community"

I want to express my gratitude for the support I have received from my constituents in the City of Kingston in 2008. I have worked hard to represent your interest and always have had an open door policy to listen to your concerns, offer my suggestions and inform and educate you with the facts. I look forward to your continued support in the upcoming year and the 2009 County and City election. The #1 New Year Resolution that everyone should consider, is becoming involved in your community. Believe me the rewards far exceed the sacrifices. Despite your political affiliation I welcome you to step up to the plate and offer your time, effort and energy in making a difference in your community. Where do I begin? This is the number one question everyone asks. You can E-mail me or call your local Alderman, the school where your child attends, and many support groups located in the local area newspapers. There are many issues facing our fine city and I ask you to join me in working together to reduce crime, maintain safety within our schools, build economic development, and hold our city governmental officials and school officials accountable when spending our tax dollars.

The next year will bring changes and new challenges to our community and together we can make a real difference by working to "Preserve our Heritage by Working Together to Improve our Community". I ask all of my viewers to step up to the plate and make this New Years Resolution for 2009 a year to remember and the fact that you were apart of making a difference in your community.

"Join me in Building a better Future for Ulster County, City of Kingston, New York State and our Nation."

Question: What's your vision for your Community 10 years from now? I look forward to your responses.


Jean Jacobs


Anonymous said...

I hope this does not mean you sre actually thinking of running for office again. How many times do you have to be crushed to just go away.

You're like Phil Cosme.

Jacobs Live People for People said...

In response to Anonymous 9:47 PM and your comment regarding how many times do you have to be crushed to go away.
My Response: I can assure you that I have courage and a passion to give back to my community. My 34 year success story proves this. This is something you should try to accomplish instead of hiding behnd your anonymous post and bashing me. I suggest you turn around this negative energy and step up to the plate in 2009 and give back to your community. Try it you just might make a difference.
Jean Jacobs

Anonymous said...

Hi Ms. Jacobs,

I know you aren't a Democrat, but with the focus shifting (one hopes) more and more towards bipartisanship, I would like to extend a personal invite to you - to the Kingston Muddy Cup celebration - to say a few words.

You ARE a premier community activist - and I admire your courage and fortitude a great deal!

Thanks for all you do!

Nancy S.

Jacobs Live People for People said...

In response to Nancy Smith and her invitation on my blog to attend the Muddy Cup Party, I accept. I feel honored to attend their celebration on January 20th, 2009. I look forward to meet and greet everyone from all walks of life and political sides so together we can build a stronger community. The next 10 years will bring changes and new challenges to our community and I am ready and willing to help in so many ways, yet we must depend on the ideas, support and resources of our neighbors. Together we can make a real difference in the City of Kingston and the citizens we care about.I will see you on January 20th, 2009.
Thank You
Jean C. Jacobs
Republican Chairman
City of Kingston

Anonymous said...

Ms. Jacobs,

Thanks much! I will write your name down on the list of confirmed speakers - and be in touch again as the event moves closer!

Thanks for all that you do!

Nancy S.

Anonymous said...

Here is what I would like to see TODAY--ie, not just five years from now:
1)A city in which "I'll watch your back and not investigate" policing occurs(I have the facts to prove this in case anyone is interested);
2)A city that is safe from the monstrous situation found in the DPW this past year and from the truly preposterous rants on the issue of a chauvinist mayor;
3)A city that stops allowing people from Woodstock and New Paltz dictate its building and zongin policy in Uptown and its ward politics elsewhere, as is the case now;
4)A city that returns to respecting people who actually do the grunt work, such as in the restoration of the Kirkland, who were not publicly recognized at its celebrated reopening because it was wholly politically expedient not to recognize this group of workers;
5)A city that after it puts up parking meters pays some attention to the technical dysfunction of certain meters rather than inconveniencing motorists by having to present such facts to courts when such becomes relevant;
6) A city that addresses the crime issue not through statistics favorable overall, but toward stepping up to the plate and being proactive and recognizing not just drug crime but other forms of crime also;
7)A city that recognizes all of its citizens and their positive contribution as opposed to the favored few in the attorney and professional community;
8)A city in which the local media is not owned in conscience by the power wielded by local government and government officials and others and effectively censored due to this fact, as is the case today.
Accomplish ANY of the above OR all of the above and THEN you will find a city worthy of pride and worthy of self-congratulations that political events produce nauseous overkill on!!!