Friday, January 15, 2010


I was most impressed today, while listening to the WGHQ Kingston Community Radio station. Mayor James Sottile during his guest appearance, made a most commendable statement, as it relates to the recently elected Republican Town of Ulster Supervisor, Mr. James Quigley. Mayor's comments reflected," How he is looking forward to a partnership in working with Mr. Quigley on behalf of Ulster County, the City of Kingston and the People. " This statement represents two Leaders of different political parties that are willing to come together and work on issues, and solutions that could save money, increase employment, and build the economic growth and development we need for our future.
I would also like to congratulate Walter Maxwell and the Feel Good Friday regulars for a superior performance in raising over $3,000 today on the KCR ra-dio-thon. Kingston Community Radio is an important part of the community, interviewing community leaders and taking calls from the listeners. Today there was a Common Goal in Working Together to raise funds so Kingston Community Radio remains on the air. KUDOS to a job well done and to all of the people that donated to this wonderful cause.


Anonymous said...

I hope you are able to join me at the Ward 5 meeting on Feb 12 at City Hall. Anything you can do to spread the word would be great!
Jen Fuentes

Jacobs Live People for People said...

Working together has and always will be my MISSION as a public servant.
I accept the invitation and I look forward to seeing you on Friday February 12, 2010 at City Hall.
Jean Jacobs

Anonymous said...

"Unity in the Community" is what you and a recent guest on your show expressed. That is why you continue to be the number one show on Public Access. You shine above all the rest. Keep up the wonderful reporting on networking with organizations, like yourself, who strive to make a difference in their communities. We can learn so much from you.