Friday, December 12, 2008

A Wana Be Politician uses the word Dump?

From Mr. Richard Cahills Blog dated 12/11/08.
Do not assume that because the Republican Committee has one person writing inaccurate things on my blog or that because we dumped our city chair that we are not ready to fight for the Council this coming year. Dumping our Chair was the first step toward achieving this goal. We need experienced leadership to start the wind of change.

From: Jean C. Jacobs: Ladies and Gentlemen, the above statement was a post from Mr. Richard Cahill Jr. on his blog about me Jean C. Jacobs on 12/11/08. Ask yourself what has Mr. Richard Cahill ever accomplished in this community except direct attacks against everyone that challenges his authority? This is shameful! I can reassure all of you once again, I remain the Chairman of the City of Kingston Republican Committee. I will keep you posted with the true facts as they relate to the outcome of my position as the City of Kingston Republican Chair. The City of Kingston residents deserve to be informed with the TRUTH. I pledge to all of you that I will only print the truth.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jean, I'm a long time Democrat very involved in local politics. Don't let the ignorance of Mr. Cahill deter you from telling the truth as you know it. I've known you for a long time, don't let them push you aside. Tell it the way it is.

Jacobs Live People for People said...

Thank you for your comment. Honesty is the best policy. The citizens deserve the honesty of their politicians. If you manipulate and deceive the truth you are only setting yourself up for failure. I will contnue to offer the truth when commenting on my blog.

My question to my viewers today:

What is your Job Description of an Honest and Truthful Politician?

Anonymous said...

Welcome back, Jean..Having been a long time, certified, bonafide member of the Republican Party, I have complete confidence that if you gave serious thought to aspiring to becoming the new County Chair when the position is up for grabs next year, you would be an excellent candidate. The job would be well suited for you. Think about it.

Anonymous said...

Jean, I too am a Democrat and have had the pleasure of working with you on occassion. Cahill "The Alex P. Keaton" wanabe should focus more on his lackluster law pratice and less on politics. Thus far he has proven that he is not good at either. Furthermore, for him to embrace the though of Bruce McLaine being Chairman is rediculous. I saw Bruce stumbling around uptown Kingston, like usual, this time it was in an old dirty Santa costume. Not what the Republican Chair. Jean, Keep fighting. You will be back in charge soon.

Anonymous said...

Also tell us about the two aldermen that aligned themselves with the six time loser alderman candidate. I need to know the kind of representation I have at City Hall so I will not vote for them next time out if they are running for these same positions.

Anonymous said...

Jean! I am soooooooooooo glad you are using your blog and not letting the dirty politics of a spoiled little boy get you down. Keep the truth out there........we are supporting you!!!